1. How do I access the FAQs?
    • Questions can be directed to the Thought Partners. They are: Kathy Johns, Gary Reasoner, Bob Spiess, Michele Wilson, Bette Watkins, and Allen Schroeder. You may also submit questions directly to [jointwitnessproject@gmail.com](mailto:jointwitnessproject@gmail.com).
    • Answers to FAQs will be posted on the bulletin board in the Community Room, included in the newsletter, and accessible at partnership.place/faqs.
  2. Why can’t we have coffee hour in the fellowship room like we used to?
    • The Nurture Committee, to bring more people together in a comfortable space (for growing numbers) in ways that facilitate conversation and community-building, decided to move the coffee hour to the gym for more seating and proximity to the kitchen.
  3. Why can’t we use the same Lord’s Prayer that we always used to use? We need to choose one Lord’s Prayer and stick with it. (Judy has been using the WPC prayer, the UCC Prayer, and some others lately).
    • As part of our commitment to diversity and inclusion (including the diversity within Partnership Place), we will continue to use a variety of worship resources to make God’s presence and Word known and felt in ways that help us grow as an ever-expanding people of faith. The Worship committee and Pastor Judy are committed to making our services accessible to both current and future members of Partnership Place.
  4. Why are we meeting at 10 AM when our Constitution said we vote on the time, and we had already voted to go back to 10:30 AM on Sundays beginning with Labor Day weekend?
    • November 20, Partnership Place held its first Unicameral Meeting (i.e. a joint meeting of St. John’s Council and Westminster’s Session.) Many things were discussed, among them, the timing for worship services. Because of the increase in attendance at 10 AM time indicating it was a better time for many, numerous requests that it does not change so newcomers know when/how to access and attend worship, Pastor Judy’s schedule, and to avoid internal confusion: for all these reasons and more, the joint meeting of the Council and the Session determined keeping worship at 10 AM year-round would better meet the mission of Partnership Place.
  5. The issue of membership of new members at PP has never been resolved. What recommendations would Potentials have for that situation?
    • Because we recognize each other as denominations in “full communion,” members may be on the rolls of both denominations if they joined the combined community. It all depends on the terms of agreement when the partnership is formally completed. One consideration may be fees due to denominational judicatories based on membership numbers. Many unions set a ratio at the time of union which is used as a formula for how much goes to each denomination. For example, if 75% of members are from St. John’s and 25% are from Westminster, that percentage would be used annually to determine how much is judicatories.
    • We have also both seen and served churches where people who wished to formally join chose one tradition/denomination or another. Since there will still be a Session and a Council and independent aspects of governance, this is another model for you to explore.
  6. Initially, we were led to believe that the addition of as well as the needs of a combined congregation would be an unmanageable demand on a part-time pastor, and said pastor did not want to commit to full-time. What factors led to a change in that pastor's decision? If in the future this change proves to be too demanding, how will that affect pastoral leadership?
    • First, this journey has been a season of discernment for all involved. As a part of the community, Judy has come to sense a call to serve in a more full-time capacity. She recognizes some challenges with her commute from Indiana, and she hopes to develop a team-approach with other leaders from the community. One of the reasons Potentials recommended an intern for Partnership Place was to provide some of this support. There are no guarantees for how long this will serve the congregation well or how long it will be manageable for Judy. It is the best next step in this process.
  7. You recommend in the opening paragraph "sorting out the essentials from the traditional". Please clarify what you are referring to.
    • Tradition refers to patterned practices and/or behaviors that are familiar and comfortable, though not necessarily tied to the core identity of a community. The “essentials” are those things which make you you. Both congregations will see changes to their traditions, and there will be essential aspects of their identities that will remain a part of the new Partnership Place.
  8. The narrative of Potentials recommendations is not very clear under Immediate: 1. a - d and 2. a. - d. It seems like there is repetition regarding the "representative bodies" and their tasks. Could this be simplified in an outline format?
    • Yes. Potentials encourages the governing body to use this as guidance in developing documents for the next stage of this journey. Potentials recommends that an immediate starting place be understanding each other's polity. The Thought Partners, ACM for the UCC and COM Chair of the Presbytery will address the how of this.
  9. How can we be sure that some of the worship services/parts of worship services that are important to me/us are still included in our church year?
    • Potentials has recommended a joint worship committee, perhaps even inviting that group to generate liturgy with the pastor and musician. While some weeks may have a stronger “flavor” of one tradition or the other, the commitment to co-creating a shared experience will be vital. This will be especially important around significant days (Christmas Eve, Easter, etc.).
  10. How similar are the PC (USA) and UCC in worship practices?
    • Both churches honor the ideal of “freedom in form and function” of worship. Because we both have ties to similar theological traditions, worship will ideally reflect the best of both communities.
  11. Will we be seeking another interim pastor? Will we be seeking a part-time Presbyterian pastor in the future, as we had originally planned?
    • That will be up to the larger community, though there are not many options, i.e., there are very few “professional ~~interim or~~ transitional pastors” in your part of the country. A vital part of the ongoing journey together will require a thoughtful, engaged personnel committee that does not simply reflect on the quality of leadership but also and especially on the needs of the community and the capacity of the pastor to meet those needs.
  12. What will happen to WPC? Will it be absorbed into SJUCC? Will it still be Presbyterian?
    • The expectation at this time is the Westminster will continue as a congregation. It will still have Session members, still be recognized as a part of the Presbytery, and still follow the Book of Order. The Presbyterian Church (USA) and United Church of Christ are denominations “in full communion,” meaning we can exchange pastors, celebrate the sacraments together, and share in worship, education, and mission. In many ways, Partnership Place will be a living embodiment of this commitment, drawing on the best of both traditions.