News for the Week of 1/19/25
- Evelyn Park
- Weekly
- January 16, 2025
We need your pictures! If you have any pictures of church activities, functions, the building, or anything related, please send them to Evelyn via email or a flash drive.
The next Nurture Committee meeting is Tuesday, February 11 at 10am in the Prayer Room.
Jackson Symphony Orchestra Concert presents “The Beatles by Candlelight” at the Jackson County Tower Ballroom at 120 W Michigan Ave. The concert will be Friday, January 31 at 7pm. Tickets may be purchased for $30 by calling the box office at 782-3221 or online at their website: jacksonsymphony.org. Please sign up by cell phone because we may meet for dinner downtown prior to the show. Rides may be arranged if needed. Call Kathy Johns 517-435-6721 with any questions.
Save the Dates:
Souper Sunday Crock-pot Potluck — Sunday, February 9th after church
Luck of the Irish Potluck — Sunday, March 16th after church
The Community Dinner scheduled for January 21 has been cancelled due to weather.
SOAR Café will host Jan Janke to discuss her book “Splashes of Spirit: A Guide to Joy” on Wednesday, January 29 at 10am with Brunch. Please RSVP to 517-914-5554. The cost is $20.
Important Dates
- January 17—Food Pantry and Baby Sprinkles 10am-12pm
- January 19—UCC Annual Reports from Committees due
- January 22—Interfaith Dinner Church 5pm
- January 25—Community Dance 7pm
- January 26—Guest Speaker Rev. John Best
- January29—Book signing and lunch at SOAR Café 10am
- February 2—UCC Congregational Annual Meeting
- February 9—Souper Sunday Crockpot Potluck after church
- February 11—Nurture Committee Meeting 10am
- March 16—Luck of the Irish Potluck after church