About Westminster Presbyterian Church

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Welcome to Westminster Presbyterian Church. Together with St John’s United Church of Christ we are a growing, vibrant group of two congregations who worship and serve together.

Westminster calls itself “The Little Church with the Big Heart.” We offer a welcome to all, whoever they are, and wherever they are on their faith journey. We have a heart for mission, and for serving others in Christ’s name. We have a heart for each other, to nurture friendships and care for each other’s needs. Over the years, visitors to our church have often remarked how comfortable we made them feel.

Westminster has developed a sense of warm community among its members. Fellowship opportunities are frequent and fun. We look out for the sick and the hurting within, and beyond, the congregation.

Our heart for mission led Westminster to conceive the Jackson Personal Care Ministry. Under Westminster’s leadership, the Care Pantry is a partnership of five Jackson churches that provides personal care and household products to people in Jackson County.

During the holidays, WPC has organized various activities, such as distributing food for Thanksgiving and providing gifts for families. Westminster makes financial contributions to Love, Inc. and the Jackson County Youth Center, and helps out at the Jackson Interfaith Shelter.

As our pastor was retiring in 2024, our congregation decided it was time to join with another church. We looked to St. John’s because we saw a great group of people who shared our heart for mission, and we wanted a location near to the community we serve. We saw the partnership as an ideal way to sustain us as a faithful worshipping community, and benefit from new energy and new ideas.