Welcome to Partnership Place
The home of St. John’s United Church of Christ and Westminster Presbyterian Church. We are an inclusive community center in downtown Jackson where we love God, love people, and serve both.
801 S. Mechanic St. | 517-784-7580

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Reaching Up
We reach up to heaven to worship and build heaven on earth one heart at a time
- Worship every Sunday at 10am
- Coffee and snacks after worship
- Streamed live via Zoom - sign up for the newsletter for the link
- Sermons are archived on YouTube
- Not a techy? Call the office and we’ll patch you in through your landline

Reaching In
We foster spiritual transformation through a variety of intellectually stimulating and community building activities
- Book studies
- Centering prayer

Reaching Out
We reach out to our community through a variety of programs that offer compassionate assistance to the people of Jackson
- Food pantry on the 3rd Friday of each month, 10am-12pm
- Baby clothes and diaper giveaway on the 3rd Friday of each month, 10am-12pm at the Biddle St. entrance
- Emergency food
- Hot showers
- Community dance on the last Saturday of the month, 7-9pm
- Community dinners on the Tuesday following the food pantry, 6pm
- The Samaritan Fund provides financial assistance toward utility shutoffs and evictions